Wednesday, February 2, 2011

inflation and corruption.

I read in economic times today that the finance minister is planning to increase the tax slab in his union budget to compensate for the inflation or rather to compensate for the steps taken by the government to contain inflation.

Isnt this a contradiction?. What effect will RBI's rate hike have if tax slabs are raised?.
RBI again raises the repo rates and this vicious cycle goes on and on?.

I also read today that (and also in the DAMAS economic forum review) that inflation and corruption are the biggest problems that the indian economy is facing today.

To tame the problem of corruption, why does nt the government agree to the Lokpal bill ,which gives powers to an independent body to prosecute and punish the corrupt, without interferences from government? . I feel this is one of those policy that does not have a flip side to it. (except to the politicians ofcourse..:-)  ).

1 comment:

  1. The successive government have not been able to pass the Lokpal bill in loksabha due to lack of consensus. Today(21-02-2011)i read in the hindu that the left parties have suggested for the speedy passing of the lokpal bill.

    The biggest impedance to the lokpal bill are the politicians themselves!. So, is it surprising that the bill has not been passed yet?!!.. (from the days of vajpayee, the bill is dragged in the parliament).
