Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Hindu and its Anti-american ways..

I feel the Hindu is often shortsighted in its approach  towards India's foreign policy.
Why does nt it see the bigger picture?.
The article that i am refering to is yesterday's Hindu editorial on accusing Obama of going bush way. ( Hindu Editorial , 22nd march ,2011).

Let me dissect this editorial. The editorial starts with the stands taken by different governments which have condemned  the attack on Libya. - Russia,China, Turkey etc. . This saws the seeds of Anti-America in the mind of reader.Very clever indeed!. The editorial then compares these attacks with the attacks against kosovo and claims how sarkozy is using this war to project himself as a leader.

Ok, i am not being myopic to these facts. But the Hindu "pretends" that it does not see the big picture. What about the thousands of civilians whom Gadhafi has killed?. Does Hindu have a solution towards the Libyan problem?. Else it should keep quiet. (sorry for sounding exteme here).  As written in my previous post, only practical way of dealing with a bloody ruler like Gadhafi seems to be throwing him out of the power. Peaceful talks may not work. countries are wary about the attacks killing civilians. But, what about the civilians being massacred by Gadhafi's forces?. Any day, it is better to throw him out of power.

By missing these facts and not presenting the correct picture to the reader , Hindu is just re-inforcing its anti-American stand.  When talking about an issue, it should present both sides of the story, which is not the case here. I do not agree with the editorial which misleads the public.

PS- I am not pro-US but just found the strong anti-american bias in the editorial uncalled for.

Update - Read this article in the economist - the comments are also interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this statement (courtesy- The Economist) "If intervention in Libya is justified on humanitarian grounds, the definition of "success" is all the more important."
